Sunday, April 13, 2008

5 Easy Tips to Curb Your Appetite

Ever get the urge to Sometimes you just feel like you're hungry, even though you had just eaten something not too long ago!

Well, here are 5 tips that will help you fight that unnecessary hunger, found on Joy's Healthy Bite from Yahoo!:

Count Those Sheep
Getting more sleep is the biggest factor in curbing your appetite. Not getting enough sleep will will cause exhaustion and an imbalance in hormones -- specifically hormones that regulate appetite. At the same time, sleeping too much while not getting enough exercise is not good either. Doctors recommend a full seven hours of R & R.

More Fiber and Protein
Adding more protein and fiber into each meal meal will also decrease hunger urges. "Protein takes more time to digest and therefore keeps you full longer. Fiber helps by absorbing water, and then expanding in your stomach - literally creating bulk to make you feel fuller and have less room for more."

Less Variety
The less you have to choose from, the less likely you'll eat everything in your pantry. Limiting yourself and controlling what you buy at the supermarket will keep you from searching your cabinets for those "fill-me-up-snacks."

Bright Lights
Hard to believe, but eating in a well lit room will also decrease your appetite. It's harder to stuff your face if you will get embarrassed if other people see you.

Trick Yourself
Reverse psychology works very well. Tricking yourself into eating less will help in fighting hunger. Smaller portions or different scents will aid in taking your mind off your growling stomach (or thought of a growling stomach).

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